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sailing talarium
Wallpaper Description:
Beyond the sea Somewhere, beyond the sea Somewhere, waiting for me My lover stands on golden sand And watches the ships That go sailing Somewhere, beyond the sea She's there, watching for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to her heart I'll go sailing It's far, beyond the stars It's near beyond the moon And oh, beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon We'll meet, beyond the shore We'll kiss just like before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And ever again, I'll go sailin' And oh, beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon Oh we'll meet and oh we'll meet beyond the shore We'll kiss just as before Happy we-will be beyond the sea And ever again, I'll go sailin'
Uploaded by Robenson on
Dec 5, 2013 .
sailing talarium - Desktop Nexus Boats
Download free wallpapers and background images: sailing talarium. Desktop Nexus Boats background ID 1630406. Beyond the sea Somewhere, beyond the sea Somewhere, waiting for me My lover stands on golden sand And watches the ships That go sailing Somewhere, beyond the sea She's there, watching for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to her heart I'll go sailing It's far, beyond the stars It's near beyond the moon And oh, beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon We'll meet, beyond the shore We'll kiss just like before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And ever again, I'll go sailin' And oh, beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon Oh we'll meet and oh we'll meet beyond the shore We'll kiss just as before Happy we-will be beyond the sea And ever again, I'll go sailin'
Rating: 4.1
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Wallpaper Statistics
Total Downloads: 427
Times Favorited: 1
Uploaded By:
Date Uploaded: December 05, 2013
Filename: Beyond-the-Sea.jpg
Original Resolution: 2448x1354
File Size: 817.33KB
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