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WORLD OF WARSHIPS  RFA ARGUS (PCRS) - 18 kts speed, 575 ft length, two diesel turbines, 28081 tons
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Wallpaper Description:
RFA Argus is a ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary operated by the MoD under the Blue Ensign. Italian-built, Argus was formerly the container ship MV Contender Bezant. The ship was requisitioned in 1982 for service in the Falklands War and purchased outright in 1984 for use as an Aviation Training Ship, replacing RFA Engadine. In 1991, during the Gulf War, she was fitted with an extensive and fully functional hospital to assume the additional role of Primary Casualty Receiving Ship. In 2009, the PCRS role became the ship's primary function. Argus is due to remain in service until 2024.

As the ship is armed and is not painted in the required white with red crosses, the Geneva Convention prevents her from being officially classified as a hospital ship.

80 RFA
50 RN
(Part of the Maritime Aviation Support Force)
137 RN air squadron personnel (When embarked)
200 Nursing and Medical Staff (When the Hospital is activated)
Sensors and
processing systems: Kelvin Hughes Ltd SharpEye navigation radar
2 Oerlikon 20 mm/85 KAA on GAM-BO1 mountings
4 7.62mm GPMGs Mk44 Miniguns
Seagnat chaff launchers
Aircraft carried: Three spots for up to six medium helicopters, CH47 Chinooks, Westland Merlins, WAH-64 Apache or Wildcat
Aviation facilities: 1 Aircraft lift from Flight Deck to 4 Deck number 2 hangar, 4 hangars
Notes: can carry four Merlins or five Apaches, it can land a Chinook but it won't fit in the hangar
JOHNBECK Uploaded by JOHNBECK on . WORLD OF WARSHIPS RFA ARGUS (PCRS) - Desktop Nexus Boats Download free wallpapers and background images: WORLD OF WARSHIPS RFA ARGUS (PCRS). Desktop Nexus Boats background ID 2400875. RFA Argus is a ship of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary operated by the MoD under the Blue Ensign. Italian-built, Argus was formerly the container ship MV Contender Bezant. The ship was requisitioned in 1982 for service in the Falklands War and purchased outright in 1984 for use as an Aviation Training Ship, replacing RFA Engadine. In 1991, during the Gulf War, she was fitted with an extensive and fully functional hospital to assume the additional role of Primary Casualty Receiving Ship. In 2009, the PCRS role became the ship's primary function. Argus is due to remain in service until 2024.

As the ship is armed and is not painted in the required white with red crosses, the Geneva Convention prevents her from being officially classified as a hospital ship.

80 RFA
50 RN
(Part of the Maritime Aviation Support Force)
137 RN air squadron personnel (When embarked)
200 Nursing and Medical Staff (When the Hospital is activated)
Sensors and
processing systems: Kelvin Hughes Ltd SharpEye navigation radar
2 Oerlikon 20 mm/85 KAA on GAM-BO1 mountings
4 7.62mm GPMGs Mk44 Miniguns
Seagnat chaff launchers
Aircraft carried: Three spots for up to six medium helicopters, CH47 Chinooks, Westland Merlins, WAH-64 Apache or Wildcat
Aviation facilities: 1 Aircraft lift from Flight Deck to 4 Deck number 2 hangar, 4 hangars
Notes: can carry four Merlins or five Apaches, it can land a Chinook but it won't fit in the hangar
Rating: 4.1

Wallpaper Comments (2)

Posted by Savannah54 on 07/18/18 at 01:43 AM
Awesome info! +1f
Posted by welcha on 07/16/18 at 04:38 PM
Italians are good at these things
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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 43
Times Favorited: 2
Uploaded By: JOHNBECK
Date Uploaded: July 16, 2018
Filename: -Auxiliiary-Support.jpg
Original Resolution: 1366x910
File Size: 231.29KB
Category: Military

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