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Costa Fortuna & Crown Princess docking

Costa Fortuna & Crown Princess docking - travel, cruisers, luxury, ship, transport, ocean, voyage, liners
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Wallpaper Description:
"Costa Fortuna is a cruise ship for Costa Crociere built in 2003 on the same platform as Carnival Cruise Lines' Destiny-class. She was inspired by the Italian steamships of the past. Models of these ships are on display in the ship's public areas. In the atrium, models of the 26 past and present ships of Costa's fleet are displayed upside down, on the ceiling, up to, and including, Fortuna herself. She was refurbished between 10 and 16 December 2018 at Singapore and will repostion back to Genoa, Italy in March 2019."_Wikipedia

"Crown Princess is a Crown-class cruise ship owned and operated by Princess Cruises. Her maiden voyage took place on June 14, 2006, departing Red Hook, Brooklyn for Grand Turk, Ocho Rios, Grand Cayman, and Port Canaveral. As of 2015, the Crown Princess sails to Mexico for the Winter season, and Alaska for the Summer season. Like her sister ships Emerald Princess and Ruby Princess her Skywalkers Night Club is built aft of the funnel rather than suspended over the stern."_Wikipedia
emma999 Uploaded by emma999 on . Costa Fortuna & Crown Princess docking - Desktop Nexus Boats Download free wallpapers and background images: Costa Fortuna & Crown Princess docking. Desktop Nexus Boats background ID 2453349. "Costa Fortuna is a cruise ship for Costa Crociere built in 2003 on the same platform as Carnival Cruise Lines' Destiny-class. She was inspired by the Italian steamships of the past. Models of these ships are on display in the ship's public areas. In the atrium, models of the 26 past and present ships of Costa's fleet are displayed upside down, on the ceiling, up to, and including, Fortuna herself. She was refurbished between 10 and 16 December 2018 at Singapore and will repostion back to Genoa, Italy in March 2019."_Wikipedia

"Crown Princess is a Crown-class cruise ship owned and operated by Princess Cruises. Her maiden voyage took place on June 14, 2006, departing Red Hook, Brooklyn for Grand Turk, Ocho Rios, Grand Cayman, and Port Canaveral. As of 2015, the Crown Princess sails to Mexico for the Winter season, and Alaska for the Summer season. Like her sister ships Emerald Princess and Ruby Princess her Skywalkers Night Club is built aft of the funnel rather than suspended over the stern."_Wikipedia
Rating: 4.1

Wallpaper Comments (3)

Posted by Entropy on 01/13/19 at 08:34 PM
The look so grand from this view :)
Posted by welcha on 01/12/19 at 10:06 AM
Costa Crociere has beautiful ships, unfortunately you can not say of Captain Schettino
Posted by aussie48 on 01/12/19 at 02:35 AM
2 giants of the sea
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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 45
Times Favorited: 4
Uploaded By: emma999
Date Uploaded: January 12, 2019
Filename: ZK3bnXS.jpg
Original Resolution: 2592x1944
File Size: 424.96KB
Category: Commercial

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